
The Writing on the Wall

It’s India, why are you cold?

The inevitable cloud appreciation shot.

What the hell are we doing up at this time?

Water, water everywhere…

The safe level of faecal bacteria per 100 ml for water to be declared safe for bathing in the UK is less than 500. The Ganges contains about 1.5 million per ml. The water is actually septic – it contains no oxygen. I decided not to bathe in it after all.

Here cow here

One of the locals doing a spot of shopping

The market from above

Ganges by Night

Bath Time.

..In downtown Varanasi.

More starters please, he’s Canadian

I’m getting a bad case of deja vu here. The baldy one ordered three starters tonight including crispy cauliflower.Same routine as last night, only he got slimy cauliflower rather than egg plant.They say the thing that separates us from the apes is the ability to learn from our mistakes… Anyway, we’re off to Cochin tomorrow night via overnight coach, a mere eight hours of air conditioned comfort and thrill tastic driving skills. I can almost hear the sound of the […]

Mysore – day 2

What did we do today? God knows. Oh yes, that's right, we went to a market and met a young lad who chatted away to us like they do and then went on about Glastonbury. Then he mentioned his incense and scent shop, what a surprise. Anyway we duly got sprayed with numerous revolting smelling scents – think old Grannie's minus the less than savoury aspects. Pat purchased some incense sticks – sandal wood and we pottered off.   A few […]